Welcome to the Jungle Digiwriter (Penulis Era Digital)
Diakui tidak diakui, era sekarang adalah era revolusi teknologi informasi dan internet. Pengaruh globalisasi telah menembus batas sekat wilayah maupun negara. Sebagai gambaran, jumlah pengguna internet di seluruh dunia telah meningkat secara drastis. Menurut data yang dirilis oleh We Are Social pada Juni 2017, jumlah pengguna internet dunia menyentuh angka 3,811 miliar pengguna dengan penetrasi 51 persen dari total populasi di dunia.
Demikian halnya, jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia kian hari semakin meningkat. Menurut hasil survei APJI (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia) pada tahun 2016, jumlah pengguna internet Indonesia menyentuh angka 132,7 juta jiwa dengan penetrasi 51 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia.
Semakin luasnya dan mudahnya masyarakat dalam mengakses internet tentunya berdampak besar dan memengaruhi banyak faktor. Bukan saja di bidang e-government, e-commerce, dan e-payment. Internet memiliki dampak besar terhadap cara dan gaya hidup (life style) masyarakat, seperti cara berbelanja, bersosialisasi, dan menggali informasi. Tren ini tentunya berdampak pula dengan cara dan gaya membaca buku.
Dulu aktivitas membaca hanya melalui buku cetak, koran, atau majalah, tetapi sekarang mulai beralih ke platform digital. Tren penurunan percetakan buku setiap tahunnya juga bisa dilihat dari data sebagaimana dilansir 2017 oleh Ketua Umum Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI), minat terhadap bahan bacaan yang merupakan core bisnis industri grafika di masa sebelumnya mulai tergantikan oleh smartphone di era digitalisasi.
Setidaknya, beralihnya tren buku/tulisan cetak ke platform digital, menuntut para penulis untuk mengubah pola alur penulisannya. Sebagai gambaran, Steemian bisa melihat gambar berikut ini ... (@adrienoor)
Read more at: Steemit.com
Menggali Ide Tulisan
Bingung! Mau nulis apa lagi? Sudah kehabisan ide nih. Yups! Banyak penulis acapkali mengalami kondisi seperti ini, lebih sport jantung lagi para penulis profesional yang dikejar deadline (tenggat waktu). Oh my God … tetapi, di satu sisi ada juga penulis yang idenya mengalir bak air sungai yang mengalir dengan deras. Jadi, apa yang salahnya ya?
Sebenarnya sumber ide tulisan sangat tidak terbatas, hanya saja mungkin kita kurang jeli menangkap sinyal ide tersebut. Nah, berikut ini beberapa sumber-sumber ide tulisan yang bisa dijadikan rujukan sobat-sobat dalam menulis.
Catatan harian
Siapa sangka, ternyata catatan harian bisa menjadi sumber ide tulisan. Sebut saja catatan hariannya Soe Hoek Gie yang kemudian dibukukan berjudul Catatan Seorang Demonstran bahkan, sangking legendarisnya buku ini, sempat juga dibesut menjadi film layar lebar berjudul Gie.
Nah, sobat bisa jadi catatan harian kamu bisa diolah menjadi sebuah buku. Siapa tahu kelak ada sutradara film yang tertarik dengan tulisanmu. Mau enggak?
Kalau yang satu ini jelas, penulis, tetapi jarang membaca buku ibarat mencencang air tak putus alias mustahil. Karena penulis yang baik adalah pembaca yang baik pula. Hal ini seiring-sejalan dengan ungkapan Pawan Mishra yang mengatakan, “Be a good reader first, if you wish to become a good writer.” atau petuah bijak Stephen Ambrose yang menyatakan, “There are many rules of good writing, but the best way to find them is to be a good reader.” Cukup jelas kan?
Media massa (TV, koran, majalah, radio)
Semakin banyak kita memperoleh informasi, otomatis akan memperkaya khazanah ide tulisan, bahkan terkadang mengalami trickle down effect, ide tulisan-tulisan akan mengalir tanpa batas. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana kita mengolah informasi sedemikian rupa menjadi sebuah tulisan. Mengenai ini penulis akan bahas di artikel-artikel selanjutnya ya.
Ya! Sama halnya dengan media massa, semakin banyak berinteraksi dengan sesama, otomatis akan memperbanyak informasi-informasi yang masuk ke dalam pemikiran dan perasaan Anda. Jadi, ....(@adrienoor)
Read more at: Steemit.com
Apa Motivasi Menulis Kamu?
Apa motivasi sobat menulis? Pertanyaan ini tentu pernah terbentik dalam pikiran sobat Steemian. Jawaban sobat tentu beragam dan itu sah-sah saja, tak ada yang “salah” karena itu memang hak masing-masing. Nah, kali ini izinkan saya mengupas berbagai motivasi seseorang menulis.
Tidak tahu/tidak Jelas
Lucu ya, tetapi kenyataannya ada yang menulis dengan motivasi yang tidak jelas. Dia hanya sebatas menulis tanpa tahu kenapa harus menulis. Efeknya bisa positif, bisa juga negatif. Ya, tergantung dengan apa yang ditulisnya. Namun, sebaiknya kita tinggalkan motivasi yang tidak jelas ini. Pepatah bijak mengatakan “Hati-hati dengan kata-kata, karena perkataan sejatinya adalah doa”. Jadi, jangan sampai kita menulis sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat. Kebayang kan kalau tulisan kita berisi ungkapan negatif kemudian diaminkan sama pembaca? Hi … serem!
Lain halnya motivasi menulis karena ingin mencurahkan perasaan atau dalam dunia tulisan dinamakan tulisan ekspresif. Menurut Dr. James W. Pennebaker yang telah melakukan penelitian selama 15 tahun mengenai pengaruh menulis dan kesehatan manusia, ia berkesimpulan bahwa menulis menjernihkan pikiran, mengatasi trauma, membantu mendapatkan dan mengingat informasi baru, serta membantu memecahkan masalah psikologis. Hasil penelitiannya ini dituangkan dalam buku berjudul Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions (1997).
Jadi, bila suatu saat kita tertekan dengan suatu keadaan, daripada diekspresikan dalam hal negatif, lebih baik kita tumpahkan lewat tulisan bukan?
Menulis karena ingin dikenal orang? Ya, banyak juga penulis yang motivasinya ingin dikenal oleh khalayak ramai. Sebut saja, siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan penulis seperti Helvy Tiana Rosa, Asma Nadia, Andrea Hirata, Raditya Dika, dan .... (@adrienoor)
Read more at: Steemit.com
Menulis Cerpen Itu Mudah dan Asyik
Dalam dunia kepenulisan dikenal berbagai macam tulisan. Namun, pada dasarnya jenis tulisan dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu tulisan nonfiksi, fiksi, dan faksi. Tulisan fiksi adalah tulisan yang berbasis pada data dan fakta. Gaya penulisannya bisa bersifat populer atau serius (ilmiah). Contohnya jenis tulisan fiksi antara lain berita, feature, artikel, opini, skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi. Adapun tulisan fiksi adalah tulisan yang berbasis pada imajinasi atau khayalan penulisnya. Contohnya yaitu cerita pendek (cerpen), cergam (cerita bergambar), cerbung (cerita bersambung), fiksi mini (flash fiction), novel, novelet, puisi, dan naskah drama.
Di samping kedua jenis tulisan tersebut, ada juga tulisan faksi yang merupakan gabungan antara tulisan fiksi dan nonfiksi. Tulisan ini disusun berdasarkan data atau fakta, tetapi disajikan menyerupai cerpen atau novel. Contoh tulisan jenis ini adalah biografi dan autobiografi.
Cerita pendek
Salah satu karya tulis yang banyak diminati dan bertebaran di dunia cetak dan maya di antaranya adalah cerita pendek atau short story. Cerpen adalah prosa naratif yang bersifat fiktif. Secara isi, cerpen cenderung padat dan langsung pada tujuannya. Hal ini yang menjadi pembeda dengan karya-karya fiksi lainnya yang lebih panjang, seperti novella, novelet, dan novel. Secara umum, panjang sebuah cerpen tidak lebih dari 20.000 kata dan tidak kurang dari 1.000 kata.
Muatan cerita cerpen cenderung kurang kompleks dibandingkan dengan .... (@adrienoor)
Read more at: Steemit.com
Writing is Hard?
How does writing tips? Easy but it's hard, hard but it's easy. Yes, writing is tricky because for some people writing is a difficult job, but for some people write has its own pleasure and very easy. Like a flowing water, a string word by word, sentence by sentence composed woven into a meaning to the rhythm of the mind of the author.
So the first principal of a writer is the willingness and motivation to write. How big is the desire colleagues want to write? why should you write? For whom I write? What would I earn from writing? Without a strong willingness to write and motivation to write, guaranteed all colleagues will never be able to write. So dig a willingness and motivation to write it first. Furthermore, a senior writer says writing takes ambition. Because desire is not enough if only limited without the spirit that drives the desire to write. There are who write for idealism, there are also motivated because business / economic needs, and some people are motivated become a famous. It relies desire and motivation in writing colleagues. So without a strong why, writing feels like work to saturate and difficult.
The second principal in writing is the writing skills (ability to write). Of course, for we have the ability to write requires the exercises. Not only the ability in the language (language writing & journalism) but the ability to observe, examines phenomena s that exist in the brain or mind or feelings in our minds.
So, how tips to write? Very simple, first dig a motivation to write, then dig the idea and gather materials / references / referrals when needed and most importantly, start writing. There is a subtle hint for beginner writers from Stephen King, ” the first failure of a writer is when he first stopped writing.” So keep practicing writing and writing. So simple isn't ? (@adrienoor)
This article was published at Writinghood.com
Know the Types of Articles
Every day we often read such articles, whether in print or electronic media. This article is different from writing fiction because it is factual (non-fiction), although both have a goal to deliver the message or information from the author, but both have features, characteristics, style, and structure of writing a different language.
The typical structure of the writing of the article usually begins with the background, problem identification, problem analysis and ultimately in the form of conclusions. Although it is not raw but basically have the same structure {no introduction (lead), content (contain), and the closing.
In broad outline for the article in several types, including:
* Explanative Articles
This article aims to explain the contents of something as clearly as possible to readers, so readers know, understand the purpose of the proposed author.
* Descriptive Articles
This article aims to describe (to DESCRIBE) something to the reader.
* Predictive Articles
This article has predictive tap point to the predictions, forecasts, estimates of something in the future.
* Prescriptive Articles
This article has the characteristics emphasize something to the reader to do something.
Distribution of types of article it’s does not mean that in the writing must have certain characteristics of one type of article only, because the articles in the mass media often combining these types. So do not let this kind of division even hinder us in writing, make writing so easy for you, right? (@adrienoor)
This article was published at Writinghood.com
Amazing World of Writing
World of writing does have its own magnet for publishers, authors, and readers. For an author, in writing like a world that can be entered by anyone, anywhere, anytime. “ Writing world is limitless job opportunities, like a company that always receives a new employee ”, wrote ELJEHA team (1999) on their article. As an example without having to work in publishing, an author can send his work at any time because publishers basically are happy to receive manuscripts from author. In addition to convey his thoughts (ideas, opinions about various things), writers get the money in cash (when choosing the payment off system), honoraria (for work in the media), royalties and popularity as well.
Another interesting for a brilliant writer is usually contracted by a publisher to submit their work periodically for writing articles or books. Especially with the development of information technology today, the author can any time to write and so easily to send data to publishers. Or simply the process as follows Write – Send and Money was coming.
Furthermore, there are my colleagues who are focused on the world of freelance writing as a profession. He is not tied to any company, not bound by time and work place. His income obtained from their written works which are sent to publishers. So instead of the limited job opportunities and narrow, that slogan seem does not apply in the world of writing. Very inspiring isn’t it? (@adrienoor)
This article was published at Writinghood.com
Free PDF Converter for making E-book
Until now, for the writers PDF format are the number one choice. This is because PDF has become a standard web document, either to read or print. To open and create PDF files require special software, there is a paid software and there is also a freeware or free. To read PDF files can use Adobe Reader, Nitro PDF Reader. As for creating PDF files can use Free PDF Converter, Cute PDF or for colleagues who use Office 2010 on there is a conversion to PDF tool on the tab menu.
On the contrary the writers need data/references but the file on PDF format. While colleagues need the files in the form of doc, xls, txt, or rtf. To convert this can be solved on two ways. First by using software pdf converter and a second by on-line services. Fortunately today there are many free and legal software that we can use (to download, click the name of the software below), including:
1. Free PDF to Word DocConverter (file size : 1,1 Mb)
2. Ease PDF to Text Extractor (file size : 1 Mb)
3. Free PDF to Word Converter (file size : 585 kb)
4. Some PDF to Word Converter (file size : 784 kb)
Beside offline tools, here sites that serve on-line converter service (free), such:
1. Zamzar
2. Media Convert
3. PDF Undo
Now, making e-book more easier by various free facilities as i mean above. Hopefully useful. (@adrienoor)
This article was published at Computersight.com
Free KBBI Off Line
One reason that stops us in writing that we are sometimes hesitant to use certain words. Is there a term that will be used in the Indonesian language or not. Well, this is the function of KBBI (Great Dictionary of Indonesian Language) to made you easy in writing in Indonesian language.
KBBI is one production from Indonesian Ministry of Education (see: http://pusatbahasa.diknas.go.id/kbbi/). If we compared with the online version , this tool has several advantages, such: this dictionary is free (freeware), portable, and does not need to be installed.
How to use and features :
This software doesn't have a manual book because it's very easy to use. You just need to fill the word that you want to search and then press enter or click the search button. It will display the result.
The result appear already in the format in such a way as to allow users to read and look for the definition of the word in question. Two left-hand column is the result of the search words, with explanations:
- The column above is a list of words that is the basic word
- The second column is the result of a search, but we did not find the word basis but on a derivative or compound words (in termed the sub-theme if not mistaken)
In the right part, there is the definition of the word and displayed with a color that gives the following meanings:
- The color red with a yellow background is the theme (the base) The red color with a number is the number of meaning or definition of the worded color without the background is a sub theme or a derivative word
- blue color is a kind word or including in terms of what black color is the meaning or definition of the word
- green color is an example of the use of the word in a sentence purple color is an example of the maxim black color with a green background are the search results contained in the sub-theme or word derivatives
To download this tool, click the link beside: KBBI v1.5.1 (file size : 3.6 MB). Hopefully useful. (@adrienoor)
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